Path Builders

Path builders are classes that are used to build the storage paths for a file based on the information coming from the file_storage table.

A path builder should but doesn't have to build a unique path per entity based on all the data available in the entity.

They implement at least these methods:

Each of them will take a an object that implements \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface as first argument. Based on that entity object it will generate a path depending on the logic implemented in the path builder.

The reason for this is to separate or share, just as needed, the path building logic between different storage systems. For example S3 differs in it's first part of the path, it's using a bucket while locally you usually have something like a base path instead of the bucket.

If you want to change the way your files are saved extend the BasePathBuilder class or write your very own path builder by implementing the PathBuilderInterface.

Warning: Be aware that a path builder doesn't know and doesn't need to know about what adapter you're using. So if you have a verify specific path builder that works with one storage backend, it doesn't necessary have to work with another due to file system limitations or other kinds of restrictions. But usually most storage backends work the same way.

Using path builders

The path builders constructors take a single argument, an array. Every path builder should extend BasePathBuilder and provide at least some of the config options of it as well.

$pathBuilder = new BasePathBuilder([
    'prefix' => 'some-prefix-for-the-path'
$pathToEntity = $pathBuilder->path($entity);

The PathBuilderTrait

The trait will add a few methods to a class:

If you want to configure a default path builder just add it's name to your config if your object is using the InstanceConfigTrait for example:

protected $_defaultConfig = [
    'pathBuilder' => 'Base',
    'pathBuilderOptions' => [
        'modelFolder' => true

public function __construct(View $view, array $config = []) {
    parent::__construct($view, $config);


Or set your own configuration options up:

public function __construct(array $properties = [], array $options = []) {
    $options += [
        'pathBuilder' => null,
        'pathBuilderOptions' => []
    parent::__construct($properties, $options);
    if (is_string($options['pathBuilder'])) {

Building your own path builder

Put the file in whatever your applications namespace is, usually it is App.

Place a file called MyFancyPathBuilder.phpin src/Storage/.

namespace App\Storage\PathBuilder;

use Burzum\FileStorage\Storage\PathBuilder\PathBuilderInterface;

class MyFancyPathBuilder implements PathBuilderInterface {
    // Implement the interface

Inside the method bodies of the interface you'll implement the logic of whatever path you want to build.

Path builders included in the plugin


This is the path builder all other BP's should inherit from. But if you like to write your very own path builder you're free to implement it from the ground up but you'll have to use the PathBuilderInterface.

The BasePathBuilder comes with a set of configuration options:

    'stripUuid' => true,
    'pathPrefix' => '',
    'pathSuffix' => '',
    'filePrefix' => '',
    'fileSuffix' => '',
    'preserveFilename' => false,
    'preserveExtension' => true,
    'uuidFolder' => true,
    'randomPath' => 'sha1'


It is basically the BasePathBuilder with a different default config and a minor change in the randomPath() method that was required to make it behave the same as the old code of the CakePHP2 version.